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Congregation Torah Vachesed does not charge membership or High Holidays fees. Your generous donations help support our synagogue and sponsor our different activities and events.

We accept credit card donations which are conveniently and securely processed through Paypal.

You can also make your donations or pay your pledges by check payable to Congregation Torah Vachesed

Your donation is deemed tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Than you very much for your support.

Congregation Torah Vachesed does not charge membership or High Holidays fees. Your generous donations help support our synagogue and sponsor our different activities and events.

We accept credit card donations which are conveniently and securely processed through Paypal.

You can also make your donations or pay your pledges by Zelle or check payable to Congregation Torah Vachesed

Your donation is deemed tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Thank you very much for your support.




Please write in the Zelle memo what your donation is for

Donations are not refunded
Privacy policy: Congregation Torah Vachesed does not provide, sell or rent contributors’ credit card or email information

Congregation Torah Vachesed.

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